Follow Laura de Barra on Instagram! It’s a protein stain so you need to wash it with cold water first, hot water will burn the stain into the fabric. Then a cool wash!
Fairy liquid is asap! I’ve also heard elbow grease is good! X
Vanish x
Vanish soap bars are amazing I scrub stains out with the soap bar and then a scoop of vanish in the wash as normal. I haven’t found a stain but hasn’t worked on yet
Soak in Vanish for a couple of hours 🫶🏻
We literally tried everything before trying the elbow grease bar and it’s got every single stain out that we’ve tried. I put the clothes straight into water to get the majority of it out and then use the bar x
Not particularly helpful advice at the moment…. But hanging out to dry in sunshine works wonders
Fairy liquid, scrub it in. Pop in wash with stain remover x
I’ve used the pink stuff stain remover and it has worked really well x
I use the fairy non bio gel that I wash his clothes with only need a little bit just scrub it then put it in the wash comes out perfectly every time x
Washing up liquid! ASAP post poop stain and then into the next laundry load. Has worked for us on most things.