Rapid cools are great! I’ve been using them since my girl was about 1 month old for every feed at home and while we’re out ☺️
I second nuby rapid cools it’s so easy to do and such an easy method ❤️
Thank you! I will look at the rapid cools as i have no clue 🙈
Iv used both prep machine and rapid cool - prep machines still easier to me by far. You are meant to boil the kettle in advance and leave it to cool for up to 30mins with the rapid cool when using hot shot method as proper boiling water apparently can do damage to the nutrients or whatever in the formula so it was a faff to remember to boil the kettle in advance. Plus I once messed up the bottle in the middle of the night and needed to restart the whole process but the stupid rapid cool needed 3 hours before I could use it again making it useless!
@Elise the formula needs to be mixed with water above 70c to kill any harmful bacteria. I just have a milton cold water steriliser and use the rapid cool. They aren’t that expensive.
Perfect prep again? Or nuby rapid cooks are good