@Charlotte that’s really helpful thank you!
At this age they should only have a max of 8oz of water a day cos you don't want it to replace formula or breastmilk as thats main nutrition source until one.
@Natalie yeah I’m still giving her the same amount of feeds but she’s just not feeding as long now so just want to make sure she’s getting enough fluid
@Leah she'll be getting plenty from breastmilk. Also they get it from high water foods such as cucumber, watermelon etc too
@Natalie amazing thank you! She loves cucumber 😂
I have her cup near by and she gestures towards to ask for it. I think she mostly gets from breastfeeding and only really wants water when she sees me drinking it - fomo lol
@Sarah she’s the same! Will want my water bottle 😂
My 10mo boy has cut down dramatically on boob feeds now he is on 3 meals a day so I offer water at least every hour as well as meal times. Sometimes he gulps it down and other times just has a sip