If this is about the mom who has a newborn and is struggling with her toddler, this post might be more hurtful than helpful.
@Stacey 🇵🇸 they should come off incognito if it is
Wow, this is about another mom’s post who is clearly struggling. Say it with your chest incognito.
Some people use words you don’t or wouldn’t more loosely. If this is about that one mama struggling right now you need to do better and maybe give her some actual support in the comments.
@Georgia for real. I can’t stand these toxic posts.
Google is free incognito. You could easily google resources and put them under her post.
Hey having just read the original post this is a horrible one to put up!! You didn’t post this to help her or others, you did it to shame. Well shame on you. And nobody said she “didn’t have help with the first one”… you are making many assumptions here, not least that it might have been an unexpected pregnancy or maybe - just maybe - life isn’t what we expect sometimes and some days or periods of time are just a bit rough. Show some genuine compassion. And delete this post!
The original post made me feel so sad for the toddler and the mum. I was depressed after my daughter was born and when I look back to choices of words I said and how little patience I had, I could cry my eyes out because its absolutely not how I feel. I assume she used this app to vent about how she was feeling and will probably feel horrific thinking about it and will add to the negative feelings she probably is feeing.
That mom needs help, not shaming!!
Why didn’t you comment the link for the resources under the post if you wanted her to get help? Did it make you feel good to post this instead?
everyone is on a path and I can't be judgemental towards a woman's desire to have children
however hate is a strong word and has no place when describing your children
What post is this referring to?
Typical incog scared to cop hate for her judgemental post. Grow some balls and then speak, not the other way around.
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@Adrianna this is what I mean. Why use hate? Do you know what hate is? That word should never be normalized when talking about a child
Sure, hyper focus on that teeny tiny part of alllll the comments here telling you to be a better person 🤦🏻♀️
Omg why are women like this? Why are women so fake? This post is so distasteful especially under incognito! This is why I’ve never trusted any woman in my whole life cuz this is what we usually get when u share a “vulnerability” with another woman. U get shamed! or told that ur being over dramatic abt ur experience cuz Ur not “normal” Like omg why can’t we just be honest abt womanhood especially motherhood cuz it’s a not a one size fits all situation! And the honest truth is some women aren’t having peachy & rosy moments with their kids at all times! As women, I find it so hard to connect with other women cuz I don’t see us being genuine at all in any aspect of our lives! I can’t stand this for us! Why can’t moms vent abt their kids to other women? So what if the mom used the word “hate” omg u don’t even know that anonymous poster to even have a tru opinion, she is just venting abt ONE aspect of parenting she finds annoying cuz no1 “really” talks abt having a toddler AND a newborn!
This is why I actually listened to some women who warned me that abt 2under2 and I tried so hard to not let that happen to me while I was in postpartum with my son cuz I was afraid if I had a negative experience with it I felt like I wudnt be able to come to any1 for support cuz they ppl wud accuse me for choosing this for myself. So I’m waiting until my kid is at least 4 to have another one. Idk why women are expected to be so “positive” abt every pregnancy/birth/ labor/postpartum experience cuz it’s not always like that. And the lack of support is what makes it so much harder. Normalize ppl who just want to vent on the internet to find connections without u being triggered by the words on the post or etc. ppl are sharing their experiences, that’s all
Ever heard of a hyperbole? But either way, People are allowed to feel their feelings.
@Jasmin true but hate is a powerful word. i get it tho
@Violeta💘 I get that bt ppl say “I love u or I love this” all the time & don’t mean it bt “love” is also a powerful word. I’m just sayin that love & hate can be feelings bt they are ultimately actions! we don’t know this mama to know that she actually “hates” her child thru her actions just because she used the word “hate” It’s just so far fetched to assume that a mama that we don’t know is not “normal” jus cuz she used the word “hate” to describe an emotion. This makes me think Are ppl jus not taught how to deal or be open & share their emotions even good or bad
@Adrianna why not say I hate the way hes acting vs I hate him? You know kids remember and pick up on words. Yes I get tired and frustrated sometimes but I never ever say I hate them. I’m usually just overstimulated, which I would understand. But idk it seems like people just seem so calm over saying I hate my kids-
@Fay sorry I don’t like mess or drama. This post isn’t about any post in particular. It’s over multiple things I’ve seen across multiple apps.
@Jenna multiple things I’ve been seeing on a couple different apps.
@Jasmin it is raw emotion but it is an unhealthy one. it happens and i been there but i try and avoid it
This post is definitely about a specific post. You're an ass for posting this. Do I agree hate should be used* towards a toddler? Absolutely not. But would I shame a mother for being raw and vulnerable about where she is emotionally and mentally right now? Hell the fuck not. It's hard to be honest because sometimes honesty involves ugliness and many people don't want to hear it or see it. But this post is part of why so many mamas going through severe post partum stay quiet and choose to struggle on their own. Shame on you.
@Chris could not have said this any better. 🙌🏾👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
@Chris who is shaming who? I didn’t shame 1 person. Seems like we feel the same way ☺️
@Incog Feelings are subjective. They are personal and unique to each individual. There's no objective standard to measure whether a feeling is "right" or "wrong." They are the expression of that individual's internal state, regardless of whether they are considered "positive" or "negative" by others. If you were so concerned with the feelings that mom was feeling, you could’ve been helpful and showed compassion… and if you disagree, you could have commented on her post and said so right there, but you wanted to disagree so disrespectfully that you needed to be incognito. Yet you are still pretending this post is about getting her help because you want to be seem as a “concerned person”. Invest your time in thinking about what kind of help you need instead of making post about other people that are not acting to your liking.
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Personally I don’t think it is. It’s concerning to say the least. I don’t routinely hear mothers use the word hate in relation to their children. I may have seen it on this app before maybe but it’s definitely not customary… I would think that the mother needs help , support - assistance likely immediately. As it’s probably a cry for help.. there are government programs available to assist not everyone is aware that the government provides assistance with childcare etc but it would depend on the specific situation and what she feels she’s in need of
Is this about you or someone else