Honestly it’s not going to get any better if you stay it’s going to be a constant cycle unless he himself can break it. I know it is going to break your heart but you gotta do what is best for all of you including him. Like you said you both need to be happy you can do that and still have a child together. It’s not a good relationship if y’all are arguing or financially stressed most of the time. You guys can talk about it and maybe just take a break to work on yourselves if he immediately runs to someone else then he doesn’t deserve the great mother you are🫶
Please message me if you feel like you have no one I had my fair share of a rollercoaster with my fiancé and trust me it is NOT easy AT ALL
Gp me k I c o w k by piled K qo ll you know hg
You are not alone, sending lots of support for whatever you choose, do what's best for you and your son.