My newborn seem to not like sleeping she’s 2 days old
Some times during the day they’re sleepier and you do have to get them naked and/or run a wipey down their body or face to wake them up… But in the first 3 days of my current baby’s life I was breastfeeding and he wasn’t active much… ended up being dehydrated, apparently he wasn’t getting much out of the nipple. It was a little scary. Just make sure he’s peeing enough that’s how you’ll know he’s well fed
My little girl wasn't getting enough and wouldn't wake up. Completely lethargic. My milk wasn't coming in yet and she had a weak latch (later found out it was a tongue and lip tie) we were scared because we couldn't rouse her. We ended up struggling but getting formula in her and after a few feedings struggling to feed her, she started to wake up.
My first was a verrry sleepy eater and had jaundice which made him more sleepy. One thing that helped was "switch nursing" where I'd put him on one side for 5 minutes, then switch to the other boob for 5 minutes, then back to the first side. I ended up having to supplement with a bottle for a couple weeks and pump because he would stay sucking for 45 minutes without actually drinking his feed.
Usually baby's hit a sleepy patch. When my 3rd was a baby i would have to undress him a but to get him to wake up enough to eat. So I think that is pretty normal 😊❤️ congratulations