I have the same thing just flipped, L is under producer. My BF specialist told me it’s completely normal and very common. You are doing a great job. Keep her feeding from both. It won’t stop producing. I personally call it the “top off boob”. When he is done with the right one I bring him to the left to top him off. Your body will regulate with what she needs! We women are AMAZING!!!
Same my Left is the crappy one lol x
Mine did this and actually the right one gave up completely around 4 months (little one is now 9 months) but she gets enough. Left one over compensated, it’s all normal!
Same! I call my left boob the shitty titty. I pump like an ounce or less on it but my right boob makes up for it by producing 3-4 ounces. Totally normal according to my LC
Same with my left!
Same but flipped! Totally normal xx
Annoying though as i get a better latch on my left 🤣
Hi! Mine do this too, no matter how much I pump or feed. I think it’s just one of the weird things that can happen