Baby position

Has anyone had their bump significantly change shape/feeling suddenly? I’m 29 weeks and at my last midwife appointment baby was sat perfectly with head down. In the last 24 hours my bump has gone from being tight and feeling uncomfortably full all of the time, to suddenly feeling quite empty and squashy. My bump was fairly high up, I could feel baby up by my ribs but now there seems to be nothing there and it’s dropped very low. I’m only 29 weeks so hoping this isn’t the ‘drop’ before labour starts?! It’s felt the same for weeks so this sudden change is new to me - does anyone else often feel obvious bump/position changes?
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I feel the same actually!! I’m nearly 27 weeks and I feel my bump isn’t as firm and I can feel her kicking a lot lower down than the past few weeks, it was usually nearly my belly button / a bit higher for at least the past month but now it’s very low down again….

I’m 28 weeks and have been told baby is now head down, and that that’s all good and normal 👍

Felt the same at 28 weeks! Such a relief

I think its because the baby changes from cephalic to breech…I have felt the same as well

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