@Dominique it’s quite heavy, it’s an Egg. If you’ve got a chassis which folds, you’ll know what I mean. Problem is it really gets in the way and I can’t push from living room to hall because we have a stair gate at the door in between
Get a lighter one? 😅
I have a joolz hub and it's super light
You’ll be fine… I had an Egg and it was a lumpy bit of kit (I hated it!), but I was fine doing it all from about 2 weeks x
@Dominique If money grew on trees, maybe! 😂 I already have a buggy for my toddler taking up space and now a pram I can’t lift.
It's only temporary, you will be fine once you're healed. I tried lifting things 2 weeks post section and had a bit of blood on my pad for a couple of days. See how you go, it might be fine
@Lauren I’m not a fan of it either but kept it from our first born because prams she soo expensive
I think I left mine set up in the hall way in the early days, please don’t stress about it being in the way (as long as it’s safe) you’re still recovering, take it easy (mine is quite heavy, we have the ICandy peach) x
Depends on the weight of the pram I guess.. Or ask if hubby can assemble it before he leaves