Hi there, Nutrition qualifed coach here (also pre and post natal qualified) . The ingredients are all pregnancy safe. :)
@Andrea thank you!! Very good to know ☺️
@Ella ok I’m glad to hear! I was a bit apprehensive about taking protein powder when pregnant xx
@Carmen pure whey or casein is your best choice. Avoid ones with additives like caffeine, vitamins etc. For example you can't have too much vit A while pregnant (stick to prenatal vitamins). Creatine is absolutely fine and beneficial while pregnant
I would have loved to continue using protein powder and creatine etc however people don’t test things on pregnant women so I just avoided it.
@Victoria pure whey and casein is essentially the same as baby formula (=cows milk without the fat and carbs). Pea protein, rice protein etc are derived from pea, rice. No need to be afraid from them. :) a chocolate bar has way much more additives than pure protein. You just need to avoid lots of added stuff (like high dose of caffeine, vitamin A etc) There are actually researches on the safety of protein powders on pregnant and post partum ladies. X
I use it, have had absolutely no problems x