Hey Jasmine, I agree with Silvia! I didn’t start having symptoms until week 7 and my nausea has been on another level.
Is this your first baby? It's not bad having no symptoms, it's actually a god send. I get feeling pregnant makes you think it would be easier, but honestly it never is, so while it's a bit easier on you, just try to enjoy it😊
Thanks for the reassurance ladies!
@Leanne this is my 6th pregnancy but I only have one child, so I’m just a little on edge
Pregnancy has so many symptoms some are more common than others but none are mandatory. You're fine
Both my pregnancies I had no nausea or morning sickness. Off and on breast tenderness and lots of fatigue. My babies are now 2 and 8 months. Sending you lots of positive vibes mama 😊
@Jasmine aww sorry to hear that. I've been there and you will never not worry but honestly feeling every part of it doesn't make it any easier. Main thing is there's no bleeding or cramping so just take it as a good thing xx
When i was 6wks I was so happy I wasn't going to be one of the pregnant women that got morning sickness. Then 8wks hit and i was sick all day long until week 13. It was horrible lol
I didn’t have any nausea or sickness with both my boys, nothing. I was so worried with both of them I had false tests as I didn’t have any symptoms! X
It’s will early, some people don’t get nausea until a bit later or not at. I was only slightly nauseous when I was pregnant and I think it was closer to end of my first trimester. So you’re totally fine. I would overthink things all the time, being pregnant is stressful. You got this though 💪🏻
@Jasmine just read that it’s your 6th pregnancy after I replied. Makes total sense why you’re worried. Sending you the best ♥️
I didn’t get symptoms until week 7 ish and even then I didn’t really get too much nausea. Everyone experiences pregnancy differently so try not to panic and enjoy the time your body is calmer.
Don’t worry. I went into my first ultrasound convinced I wasn’t pregnant anymore because I had no symptoms. Guess what? I was pregnant ….with twins
Jasmine, do not worry I had NO symptoms at all. Fast forward to 31 weeks I still don’t (knocking on wood) I am not tired, no nausea, no pain, nothing. So do not worry you will be just fine. 🙏