
Has anyone successfully given their babies a dummy? We have tried a few times and he seems to hate it…. Any advice?
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Are you bottle or breast feeding? I'm expressing so bottle feeding using MAM bottles, so we got MAM dummies too, she seemed confused at first but now fine

@Chloe breast feeding… we have MAM dummies too, he’s used one for about 2 mins but just seemed really confused by it!

I've heard some breastfeeding mums say their babies won't take dummies but I also have a friend who exclusively breast fed and her baby took one from the beginning. Maybe it's perseverance... or pot luck😅

@Chloe 😵‍💫😂 hoping to persevere with it

Have you tried NUK?

I’ve had two babies so far and neither would take a dummy 😬 both breastfed! I tried them both and they were having none of it, will give it a go again this time and see what happens 😅

Another vote for Nuk and simply persevering 😊

Try a different nipple size. You can get a taster pack from BIBS with all the different sizes, my first didn’t like MAM ones and only liked BIBS

Try some different ones, Nanobebe are designed for breastfed babies and are the first ones my son would take (after he got used to them he would take different types) this wasn’t until 8 weeks but I kept persevering and my goodness life was easier when he took it 🤣🤣 xx

I think it’s a bit of luck whether they take to them or not. Mine both did, both ebf. Mam ones worked for them

Mines loved it since hospital gave it on the first day and he took it

Using MAM and breastfeeding, my LO didn't like it either. Keep trying.

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