Didn't use bottles or dummies this time but with my first bottles and daytime dummies stopped at 12mo. Nighttime dummy stopped just before 2yrs. Never sleep trained so naps will stop whenever that naturally happens, already going without some days. Already started toilet training. Mine won't be going to nursery at all, or school for that matter😂
-Bottles stopped at 12 months -Never used a dummy -Going without a nap most days now -Toilet training when he shows the signs of readiness / hopefully in Spring or summer this year -Going to nursery at 3 x
Oh right so seems a lot of people have stopped bottles already at 12 months ? Mine still has a small bottle in the morning and a big bottle before bed & has dummy at bedtime. Was planning to start potty training at 2 years. She starts with a childminder in a few weeks 2 days a week.
Still on a night bottle. She doesn't seem to like any other bottle. She drinks fine out of a straw bottle but won't for milk. She starts nursery just after her 2nd bday just to socialise her as we don't do the happy clappey classes. Couldn't think of anything worse (sorry to those that do) Thinking of starting potty training we have the potty that she currently plays with but thinking when it warms up a bit as she's doesn't seem ready. Still has a dummy but trying for only naps and night time which she hates and has a massive tantrum when I take it away during the day. Naps still for an hour anything from about 12- 2. Wakes about 5 bed for 6. X
Bottles just after 12 months, never had a dummy, will drop naptime when she wants to (no sign of that any time soon), and possibly looking to start potty training once it gets a bit warmer, she’s got interest and some of the signs but not all so don’t want to rush it. Nursery - would start it now if we could afford it, otherwise will be waiting til she’s 3 with free hours.
@Georgia we're thinking of home schooling when the time comes. Reading people's post on FB about their kids being at school sounds traumatic.
@Emma best decision we ever made! My eldest would have been in reception now and I genuinely can't imagine him being in school, we enjoy our holidays and day trips way too much especially being super cheap in term times😂
We switched from bottles to a tum tum cup of milk at 12 months. Dummy we have for sleep or if she is unwell Nap time and toilet training I will just go by her, my eldest was 3 in dec and we still have a 30 min nap a few times a week as she still needs one but not every day. Potty training probably in the summer after she turns 2 but if we try and she isn’t ready we will stop and try again a couple of months later. Nursery we have picked a pre-school so the September after she turns 2, she currently goes to my mums when I’m working
@Georgia how do you find it? My worry is I'm not academically smart so worry she wouldn't be learning to her full potential. That's the thing I like my holidays and don't want to be dictated to when I can and can't take them. Also stopping kids using the toilet in class is just mental. What about his social side of things? Do they do home school socials or anything?
We still have one bottle of formula milk at bedtime. He won't drink cows milk and won't drink the formula from his straw cup either. We stopped his dummy at 16 months when he got impetigo around his mouth and the GP said it would make it worse. Went cold turkey and he was fine after a couple of nights. He still has one nap a day and I don't plan on stopping that yet, not until I feel he's ready. My little boy has a potty which we are practising sitting on. He will sometimes wee and poop if I put him on there but he doesn't recognise when he needs to go and can't communicate it yet so we are not properly potty training yet. At the moment my mum and dad have my little boy 3 days a week while I work. I think I will start sending him for a day or a couple of mornings from September so he'll be 2 and 3 months. Not planning on full time until at least 3 years old.
We stopped the last bottle a few weeks ago (morning milk) Nap time well follow his lead. My eldest still napped happily at 3 so I’m in no rush. Been at nursery since 12m Potty training I will also follow his lead, for my eldest that was just before he turned 3 and took a matter of days. Currently not showing any interest but I suspect he’ll be ready within the year.
Bottle before bed when she asks for it but now given in a cup/beaker. Never used a a dummy 1 nap a day for 1.5-2hrs still going strong, no signs of that changing for now Started showing signs e.g. taking nappy off but doesn’t take the potty seriously! Not keen on sending to nursery younger than age 3, considering homeschooling too but need to research much more!
In 5 days into no baby bottles now and he’s just started nursery two days a week
Does anyone have any recommendations on what to give milk in at night ? She will only drink it warm and I want to start to remove the bottle now..
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Hiya! We stopped bottles at around 14 months. Our daughter still has a dummy. We are due baby no2 in 10 weeks so will be waiting until after that as to not cause too much disruption with something that gives her comfort! Nap time - will stop when she’s ready. She’s dropped to 1x hour long nap per day but definitely still needs this so won’t be for a while I imagine. Potty training - when she can walk. Our girl isn’t standing/walking independently yet so not even attempting yet. As soon as she’s on her feet, we’re gonna go for it! I work full time so she’s been in nursery since 10 months. Our second child will also be going at 9/10 months as I’ll have to go back to work 😊
I'm going to come back to read all the comments here later but for mine: Twin A - gave up her own bottles at 13 months, never was a big milk fan so that was easy. Twin B EBF never had bottles & I weaned her completely off the boob at 14 months, also not a cows milk fan but a great eater. They love those bloody dummies, & have so few teeth for their age I'm not worried. I will look to stop around 2. They both nap consistently everyday for about 1-2 hours. I will stop when they don't need it anymore. Toilet training - will try both late summer like Aug/Sept just because I am sick of nappies. But I trained my oldest at 2.5 with no issues so if they need a bit longer then I'm not stressed. They've both been going to nursery since 1 year old because I'm working full time & the breadwinner, they love it there and I find it helps keep structure to their schedule which very much helps with twins. Also a side note for OP lots of toddlers still have a bottle a day or so for way longer than a year, don't stress x
We stopped breastfeeding at 14 months and didnt tranfer to bottles. He doesnt drink milk so just water from a cup. Stopping dummies as soon as he is old enough to communicate with us properly and we can have a conversation about it. Stopping naps as late as possible. I have 3 years old in my head as a desirable age Toilet training i’m not sure. Perhaps when he can start communicating needing the toilet Nursery 3 full days a week from 1 years old
@Charlotte you can claim 15 hours free childcare now for working parents
@Charlotte I’ve just ordered the below as I plan to stop bottles this week too. Munchkin Gentle Transition Baby Cup| Babies & Toddler Sippy Cups with Handles & Lids | BPA Free Non Spill Cup| Leakproof Silicone Childrens Cups | 4+ Months | 2 Pack |10 oz/296 ml It can’t go in the microwave though, so warm the milk first and then pour it in .
Yes you can, but I’m not working.
My LO still has milk (in a cup) before bed, but we stopped actual baby bottles at 12 months We didn't use a dummy so can't help with that one We still have one nap a day but its becoming increasingly hard to get him down for it 😩 (but will keep it as long as possible, as I love my little lunch break) We started potty sitting at 9ish months, but will probably look at taking away the nappy completely in summer when we can do nappy free time a bit easier September he'll go to pre school for a couple of mornings a week at the school he'll go to, so the term after he turns 2
Only had 1 bottle at bedtime, might stop this around 2. Dummy's - have started the process, strictly only has them for overnight sleep now & doing well. Will eventually cut out completely. Nap time - I will take her lead, but will always encourage her too/to take half an hour chill time at least. Toilet training - starting to show signs again will go by her lead but if anything start properly in summer after she turns 2. Nursery - no plans until after 3 and even then 2 mornings a week at most
Stopped bottles at a year as well as dummy. She's stopped her nap times which I hate miss that break 🙈🤣 And started toilet training months ago with a toilet seat ring. Nursery when she's 3 and gets the finding.