LO won’t sleep

My baby girl won’t sleep. I’ll breastfeed multiple times and she will sleep on the breast and as soon as she is done she is wide awake then starts fussing eventually. I can tell she is tired and I don’t know what to do. I’m really struggling 🥺
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Have you changed her before feeding? Making sure she’s not gassy either. Mine is 6 weeks old and is the same. I usually keep her up 10-20 minutes after feeding and then rock her in my arms and she’ll drift x

I know some people say you don’t need to burp a bf baby however I find when my little one starts fussing I burp her out her back on and she then falls asleep on me and then can usually move her from there x

This happens with me, she loves the comfort from the boob, that’s probably what it is with you. Does she settle once she’s on your boob again? Try a dummy if it continues, I didn’t want to give a dummy to my baby but I just couldn’t sit there all day and night with her stuck on my boob 😩

I could’ve written this myself! My LO won’t settle unless latched. The moment I put her down she’ll cry and cry. I was told by a midwife it was because she was using me to self soothe. The solution they gave me was a dummy however she now gags on the dummy and isn’t a fan 😩 I just rock her and pat her gently until she drifts or keep her on me so she can hear my heartbeat and eventually fall asleep. It’s a long process but it eventually works x

Here is my routine: I start by giving her a full feed from one breast, then I burp her. After she burps, I change her nappy and swaddle her. Next, I offer my other breast for a feed, which is usually shorter. I've noticed that if I don't swaddle her and put her in bed, her hands tend to move around too much, and she eventually wakes herself up.

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