I hope that helps!!😅
@Ashley thank you 😊 i bought her one but she doesn’t like it. Idk what else to do lol 🤣
Oh girl! I’m so sorry! Does it seem like she doesn’t like to be swaddled/wrapped period? If not, and maybe it’s just that type of swaddle, what we did with my firstborn when he was that age was, and this is gonna sound so silly, but we had like a kinda stretchy(think a blend with spandex) bigger swaddle blanket that my husband literally would gently roll my first in, and then just tuck the tail or let it loose. Interestingly, our first hated the halo too, but really did well with this “method” of “burrito-ing” lol With both kiddos, we did a lot of trial and error with different swaddles😅 I also ended up having a little burp cloth that I’d stuff inside my shirt for an hour before my first would go nap, and then when he went down, I’d place the burp cloth over the bassinet for a bit so he’d have the scent of me with him and that seemed to calm him as well. Again, just a bunch of trial and errors we’ve done😅 Another possibility is she could be gassy?😅 I’m just runnin’ through the things
We’ve been through with both our kiddos so far😅 Do you bf, pump, or feed formula? We found with our first that we needed a bit of time upright between feed and sleeping (annoying, but helped a bit😅) to help settle his tummy… …then we realized he had an allergy to lactose..and then cow’s milk. We had to switch entirely from BF to a hypoallergenic formula and that ended up helping him and his demeanor in general. :) With my second, we’re working on helping her as I’m BF and I’m currently going dairy free because she’s our lil spit upper as well as having challenges with sleep. It’s too early to tell yet but could be working! lol
So sorry- not saying you need to try all these things that we have, but I truly hope yall can get to a way less, way more wonderful time of rest together💕💕
@Ashley ima message you !
So with mine, mine does the same unless I wrap her in (specifically) a Halo sleep sack with her arms to her sides kinda straight jacket style😅. Even then I have to kind of pretend I’m a swing and rock her a bit after putting her in the sleep sack to get her to go down okay in her bassinet. I also have warm hands and I place them on where I’m going to lay her so the sensation isn’t too jarring temp wise:)