I don’t have mine anymore but it said 1:100 000 which is classified as low risk. I am not sure where the change happens between low and high risk though. It only had three results and that was trisomy 13,18 and 21 (the standard NHS one). No baby gender. I was 40 with my first and all was fantastic. You’ll be fine 🫶
I’m 40 and I had my NIPT at 17 weeks following a “high chance” result in the initial Down syndrome screening at 12 weeks. The results came back in a few days - but I can’t remember how they looked, it’s a 1 in 10,000 number I think.
Thank you lovely ladies x
I had an NHS NPIT (due to a high screening test originally). They called me to tell me (I didn’t receive a letter!) The dr said the results were low risk 99% chance of not having down/edwards/pateau
I’m 39, and due to age found out I would be 1:120 minimum, so prepare yourself for a high chance just based on age. I would pay for a private NIPT test if you can as you already know it won’t be low risk, and if you proactively get the test it saves you the awful wait. My results were 1:16 due to high HGC and it was the worst 3 days of my life waiting just before Christmas, thankfully the NiPT results came back low risk, but I promised myself I would get a private test if I have another baby x
@kirsten great advice! I wondered why they didn’t just offer me the NIPT straight away given my age, instead of going through the rigmarol of waiting for those results!
@kirsten - thank you. I am all new to this, and a bit (a lot) confused 🥴 When you mention the 1:16 result and the worst 3 day wait before NIPT result came back. Where did the 1:16 results come from if you hadn’t had NIPT test or results? TIA x
You can pay for NIPT testing privately I think from 10 weeks. Otherwise nhs offer screening at your 12 week scan that will come back either low risk or high risk. If they then come back high risk you will be offered NIPT, CVS or Amniocentesis. I’m 37 and recently had a high risk result from my nhs screening result and then opted for NIPT test which thankfully came back low risk. If I were to get pregnant again I would opt to pay privately for NIPT as soon as I could to save myself the worry and stress.
Ahh ok. So you have a screening that gives high/low risk BEFORE NIPT testing! I was missing that key bit of info. Thank you! 🙏🏼 TBH I’m almost scared to start looking into anything (and I mean anything/everything) too much for fear of tempting fate that I’m getting to used to being pregnant and then miscarrying. Sounds ridiculous when saying (typing) it out loud doesn’t it 🤦🏼♀️
I had a nipt test done with my 3rd pregnancy and in the uk nhs onky checks for Down syndrome edwards and patuas and my result wasn’t numbered it just said highly unlikely this is because my second child was born with Down syndrome after I had the quad test come back with a 1 in 30,000 chance because if this they don’t give numbers just highly unlikely or highly likely. Just to add my son who had a birth diagnosis is the light of my life .. x
In the U.K. NIPT is not a standard screening everyone gets, So you won’t be offered NIPT unless you are a known risk for a genetic condition or have a high chance result on the combined or quad testing (downs/edwards/pataus) The only way you would get the testing in the uk if you aren’t high risk for genetic factors is to pay privately in which case you can contact private clinics now and have it done
Hey, I don’t have my letter anymore but I remember I got a letter that just said a 1 out of xxxx chance. So had to figure it out for myself.