I’m in Australia, currently 9 weeks pregnant and not seeing anyone (OB or midwives) at the hospital until 14 weeks.
No.. where i live you don't get to see an OB until 28-30weeks unless theres a reason to be seen by one sooner
I think if you’re getting ultrasounds it’s okay but I will say you are at that stage where they checked for genetic abnormalities and spinabifida through blood tests and if that’s something you would like to know I’d suggest seeing your OB.
Depending on where you are, generally an OB won't do much more than an ultrasound around 10-12 weeks and then wont need to see you back for a bit. I would suggest making sure to get the glucose test though and to keep in touch with your body for any weird changes like high bpm for extended periods/heart palpitations, any sudden swelling that wont go down, or excessive vomiting, etc.