@Elki thank you ! So her naps depend they can be short or long she did have a longer one today and it was later then should of so I did think it would effect this but we’ve been so lucky since she was 7 weeks old she’s slept 13 hours solid ! I know that’s so rare but turns 2 and doesn’t want to sleep honestly I feel like I’m going through such a tough stage that mentally I’m struggling Thank you I’ll keep an eye on her naps and times and see if that helps xx
We went through a phase recently where sleep was a bit more tricky! It lasted about 4 weeks and now back to normal xx
Same as Vicky, so hopefully it’ll pass
How long is she napping during the day and at what time? My litre boy who has also just turned two was doing the same! So I brought his nap time forward to 12 and only let him nap for an hour and it seems to have worked he’s now going down for 8 and sleeping through till around 7 - 7:30 Hope that helps, I feel your pain mama!