Get a baby monitor that also measures temperature or a mini thermometer for the room. Even though the house is set to 72, your baby's room might be less. My sons room has no cold air return so his room is colder than the rest of the house, so at night we bump up the heat to 23 C and I watch before I go to bed to make sure the temperature stays between 20 C and 24 C. The rest of the bedrooms, particularly mine and my husband's bedroom, are hotter than his room, (26 C but that's also because my husband is a furnace) but we can handle it.
We have recently started using a sleep sack with sleep, it's soft and fuzzy like a blanket, and it's done wonders! I hope you find the answer that works best for you 🙂
We use woolino's sleep sacks, they take the guess out of making sure he has the right togs.
Thanks for the feedback, everyone! @Kai I didn't even think to check his room temp. You're right it is slightly colder than the rest of the house! Going to get him some warmer jammies.
As a sleep consultant I recommend a room to be approx 20 degrees (70), sleeping in breathable jammies and a sleep sac with a 2.5 tog. Don’t judge their body temp by their hands, face or feet. After they sleep, open up their sleepsac, and jammies and feel the core of their bodies; if they are warm, perfect! Clammy, too hot. Cold, need to add a layer. It’s always best to sleep in a cooler room.