I just had a baby and I was extremely unsuccessful transitioning my oldest into a crib. It actually created separation anxiety (even though his crib was right next to our bed). I would say it’d be easier to have new baby get used to sleeping solo from the get go but that personally didn’t work for me since I exclusively nurse. If it helps, I now bedshare with both of my babies! Baby on left side, me and dad in the middle, and oldest baby on the right next to dad.
Maybe put a mattress in her room to start to transition to using her own room more?
My recommendation is to use a crib so she can’t escape and place her in the crib at night after a nice relaxing bedtime routine and then sit next to the crib and sing, rub her back etc. until she eventually falls asleep.. if she’s like my daughter then she will scream and cry for the first week or so until she eventually understands that you won’t be taking her out. It sucks but it does work eventually.. atleast until she wakes up again in the middle of the night 😆
I’m due in April, so we decided to stop cosleeping with our daughter and transfer her to her crib. Honestly I couldn’t handle her crying at first so my husband got her used to her bed the first week. There will be crying but we chose to stay in the room with her till she slept. First week was the toughest. 2 months later now she expects when done with her bedtime routine to get to her room instead of ours, toddlers are all about routines. Now I sleep next to her crib on the floor and just give her my hand, she’d hold my hand and go to sleep. Some nights it takes about an hour for her to settle down sometimes she sleeps in 15 minutes. But she still wakes up at around 2 am and I just take her to our bed since I’m too tired to get her back to sleep in her bed.
I’m right there with you. We’ve been co-sleeping as well and I’m due in two months. I don’t really want to stop because sleep in our house just hit a plateau where everyone actually gets a decent amount but at the same time I don’t want to co-sleep with a newborn and a toddler