Both of my babies have measured behind or small 1st born 38+3 4lb15oz 2nd born 37+2 5lb2oz Some babies are just meant to be small and obviously both of mine were You'll most likely have growth scans every 2-4 weeks to check everything is okay but that'll usually start around week 28 (did for me both times)
@Incognito not sure , just worried as it was a full week and baby only went up by 1 day growth
With my firstborn on my 20 week scan they put my due date 1 week forward , and they said the 20 week scan is more accurate. They were right because I ended up giving birth on my adjusted due date!
My babies were always hard to scan but it’s just an estimate. At one scan they said baby was measuring smaller than my previous scan, they booked me extra scans at a different hospital with better facilities and baby was noted as a small baby until birth. I wasn’t worried as I felt okay in myself & knew it wasn’t likely baby had got smaller (or in your case has barely grown), my family also have small babies anyway but we’re all healthy. I wouldn’t allow them to induce me as soon as I got to 37 weeks, because my reasons listed above. Got the new hospital to wait 1 more week (old hospital refused to wait) & baby came naturally on the day I was meant to be induced, weighed 5lb10oz, not necessarily tiny. Lotion/oil on your stomach can make the scan blurry so avoid using on your belly for scans. Best of luck x
Maybe your due date is not accurate