BD and His Girlfriend Vent Sesh

Anyone else have a bd who has an annoying delusional girlfriend?!?! My baby is 7 months and I’ve completely removed myself from the entire situation since BEFORE he was born like nothing at all to do w my bd and I never ever cared about the girl.. but this girlfriend of his just FORCES herself into my life. She claims that she’s taken care of by him and is unbothered by me buttttt she’s making fake pages and numbers to still keep up w me (???) lmao just weirdddd ugh. Crazy bc the internet loves to say BMs are the crazy ones, whole time the girlfriends be OBSESSED. What is truly wrong and will she ever stop?? 🤣 thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
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Definitely in the same position! It’s super emotionally draining, I hope it gets better

@Tru extremelyyyy draining smh, praying for better days for them and us! lol

You can always text me if you want to talk about it!

@Tru yes girlie dm me your number! 😭

Neverrrrrr understood this. 🤣 I have a baby with my fiance my old "friend" not so much friend as i didn't know her very well but she dated my ex/best friend at the time so that's how we met. Well we both have babies by the same father (different guy then my friend) but we just don't talk about him. Like ever really. I'm friends with her again after she got over the fact that I got with him and he's not involved with her or his child with her. Unfortunately. But never understood the bm/new gf beef. Seriously childish. 🙄

My bd girlfriend messaged my ex boyfriend to try and find out why we had broken up because she’s so paranoid that me and him will get back together 😂

Yes! I left them alone my whole pregnancy. And after I gave birth yk what she did she went and got pregnant . SIS YOU CAN HAVE HIM ION WANT HIS DEAD BEAT AHH. Yet she still has her friends trying to follow me . I made all my pages private! He came to see his kid for the first time in a while . He told me she downloaded all his snap data . She saw all our old pics and vid’s and messages everything and told him go be with her she’s the love of ur life etc like damn girl ur crazy

@Katie the lengths these girls will go 😭😂

@Madison Hayes lmao it’s truly comical. My bd gf swearsss she won’t end up preggo but I won’t be surprised if she does lol. Sick. It’s like you wanna be mad but it’s so unreal that you just have to laugh it off 🙃

@Kyla yes I just laugh . Girl dumb asf .

@Kelly Mae the twists and turns in this story lol but it still came to the same conclusion.. the girlfriends be MAD! 🤦🏾‍♀️

@Kyla ik i realized I didn't make much sense there but I'm saying my friend and I get along even though we both got the same bd, technically I'd be the new gf but I get along with her great. Just sucks our daughters can't be real sisters because I doubt she told her who her real dad is. :/

Yes my bd new gf is like that but ten times worse. Shes emailed me off bds phone for no reason other than her own selfishness. I'm done with her to be honest I don't know what more I can doo. I've blocked her on everything I can and she still tries. She made bd block me on everything because she's jealous of me and him trying to co-parent and it was going good untill December when I found out he was with her. Then all hell broke loose. And she claims I'm a bunny boiler and I'm bitter. I'm really not either of them things I had to Google what a bunny boiler was! It's honestly mental.

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