@Chloe yeah I refused the induction, I chose the c-section instead… my contractions have become every 6 min now and painful ..😫
Exactly same here , but water broke at 6 pm. :D we are in this together tonight 😂😂😂 the only thing is I wanted to go home and be chilled instead of staying in hospital . I’m super low risk . My baby was super Active while on monitor , so I’m hoping I get some sleep now and get her eviction served in the morning:D I will go same way like you , as most of the inductions ends up in emergency c-section anyway. So I will save all the messing around and go straight ahead . Good luck !!! ❤️❤️
@Denisa do you have contractions? Mine are getting really painful every 6 min 😖😵💫
Hey ladies, I had up and down contractions for a week before my waters broke! We managed to hold out for nearly 48 hours in an attempt to get labour progressing naturally. As NHS guidance is to deliver after 24 hours, they wanted to start induction or schedule a c section. We pushed back and went home - and had the most magical evening. Around 35 hours post waters breaking, I had some discolouration and we headed back. Baby was fine but we decided it was time to make a decision. C section was scheduled for a few hours later and we had our beautiful boy. I’m sharing as I would try and do everything possible to get labour to progress in a way that feels right for you. It’s all part of your birth story after all. We ended up having 3 /4 in 10/15 mins and then they totally dropped off again. I just couldn’t sustain the contractions so they wanted to give me a synthetic hormone to progress - something I personally really didn’t want. Enjoy labouring tonight, if really can be beautiful xx
@Sabrina I’m so struggling all night as they are really painful 😭😭😭
I was sent home for just under 24 hours when my waters were leaking. At 24 hours I was induced as active labour hadn't started, I wasn't made to have a c-section though, that sounds strange, unless you've refused an induction?