@Khyia my boy will stand unassisted for about 10 seconds, once a day. Idk if I count it yet or wait
@Deja id count that. Cause honestly by the time you go for your next well check it’ll probably be a lot longer. My daughter in the span of a week went from only standing unassisted if she let go of the couch or something so getting herself into standing in the middle of the floor by herself to picking up things and returning to standing.
First time and repeatedly. I’ve got a baby book for them to track their milestones, likes, goals and stuff along with pictures it goes from birth to 18. So I try to jot it down in my planner or in a note on my phone to go back and write it in. But for like the peds repeatedly. Like I would say my daughter is standing unassisted now that she does it multiple times a day.