Baby slapping/scratching face

My baby claws at my face and hair when I’m cuddling her to sleep. Sometimes I can tolerate it. Other times I can’t. The repetition of it is really grating and sometimes starts to hurt. It makes me feel really cross so I try to hold her hand to stop her and she gets cross. Then I feel guilty cos I feel cross. Anyone got any advice on how to deal? Stop them? Redirect? I’m trying not to engage as I was her to sleep, I wonder if she’s doing it partly for my attention or a self soothing thing.
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Mine does this too 🤦🏼‍♀️ so when she does, i put her in her cot with a comforter, and she plays with that while she's falling asleep. I just take it out of the cot once she's in a deep sleep xxx

@Amanda how old is she? Mine cries when I put her down

Try holding babies hand and doing circle motions on her Palm using your thumb distract her little hands 🙂

I cut my hair because my daughter was doing that to me💀💀💀 It's mostly a comfort measure for them and as far as I know it's also a consistent 'no, gentle' and they eventually grow out of it 🤔

We've given my daughter a Lovie or a small toy to cuddle whenever she did this (took it away after she fell asleep, but now that she's over a year, we leave it in the crib with her). However she's starting to do it deliberately when she's resisting sleep. If she slaps me or grabs my glasses, I set her down in her crib and let her be. Usually she'll babble to herself a bit and when she starts crying again, I'll go in and try putting her to sleep again. I gently stop her hands and remind her we don't hit / pinch, etc. She is getting better, it's just that when she's angry and tired she has less self-control.

I second the snuggly stuffy! My son “picked out” a JellyCat (I held up two and bought the one he reached for first 😂) that we snuggle with before naps and bedtime. Like Melissa mentioned, it stays out of his crib for now. I also read somewhere that it’s the around perfect time to start developing a security attachment like a lovie or blankey.

Thank you everyone, I’ve been sat for nearly two hours trying slowly getting more and more cross 😂

@Samantha ours is a small axolotl palm pal that we brought back from the Chicago aquarium 😂 I don't know why she latched on to that one in particular, but now she carries it everywhere. We've named him Axel Rose 😁

@Melissa that’s adorable!! I love it!

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