
have your lil ones started yet? right now it’s mainly mama, dada and will say “hey baby” to her stuffed animals and the house cats lol but my husband swears she said green and red while reading to her
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Not yet. My baby does say mama, dada but that’s pretty much it. He does babble a lot 😂 shakes he’s head to “no”. Also does copy what you do but that’s Pretty much it

@Grace cuteeee!!! i love the babbling, she’s a talker too lol right now her favorite noise is coughing and laughing after though 🤦🏻‍♀️my aunt thought she was sick

@adriane love it too , it’s soo cute 😂 btw your lil girl is so precious !! 🤍

He said mama, dada, nana & no but that’s pretty much it but he knows a lot. He’ll wave when i say “wave” or “hello” and he’ll clap when i say clap

@𝒵𝒶𝓇𝒶 ♡ ̆̈ awww love that :) she claps when we say yay because when she started crawling we’d do that and she picked up on it haha

@Grace thank youuuu!!! 🩷

He has started repeating everything or at least trying to. So far mama, dada, hi, our pets names, “yeah yeah yeah”, bye bye, poop and no have been ones I’ve heard clearly multiple times. It always catches me off guard how quickly they catch onto things all at once

My baby has said mama, ga-ma (in reference to my mom), papa, right here, take that, bye, and uh oh

He will also wave anytime someone says hi or bye. He absolutely loves to wave at everyone he sees!

A few words verbally and some sign language and gestures. He crawls over to dada saying dada in the mornings so they can go play together while I sleep in. He says mama, eye, this, that, dog, ball, baba, and nana for breastmilk. Says up and signs it to be picked up. Signs more for more food or to play again. Shakes his head no. Signs all done. He also loves to wave at everyone or whenever he hears hi and bye. Claps. High fives. And sticks his tongue out. And dances to certain favorite songs or when he especially likes a food. I love this age. It’s been so fun watching him learn what feels like something new every day! I’m cherishing every little minute and milestone.

My little man says mama/mumum he says ada (trying for dada) and Lee (trying for Lily our dog)

I swear she says “hi” and “hey” and she definitely says “Kitty!” when she sees the cat (who’s now in fear of her life even since she started crawling lol)

@Ciera hahhaa our cat too! He is so scared of our son lol

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