Hey! Maybe get him some nice headphones to block out sound. Right when you said “banging his head” I immediately thought he might have sensory issues with the sound of the baby crying. If he has a tool to mute or muffle the sound it may not bother him as much. Also, maybe associate baby crying with something good? If possible, when baby cries maybe he gets to watch his favorite tv show or something? Not really sure what works best for your family but if he’s already in therapy try asking the therapist for advice. I wish you luck and a speedy recovery :)
sound blocking headphones is definitely great idea^! as well as positive reinforcement, home made popsicles made from juice or smoothies are great or natural lollipops YUMEARTH brand are our favorite. We call both Pops and is the ulitimate cure all for us
@Andrea oh my gosh the popsicles are a great idea I’ll make those to eat myself lol
@Gwynalynn Ecozoi Stainless Steel Popsicle... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07J4TTHJ4?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share these are the ones i bought they’ve been great
Thank you both for the wonderful advice!! I really appreciate the help. Great ideas I’ll implement asap ♥️
only thing that usually calms my LO is sitting on the floor grabbing her tight then letting her go , while making eye contact i ask if she needs a hug (she has never said no) as im hugging her i think of a distraction she will say yes to doing next and the tantrum passes