I tried hand expressing with no luck, then ordered a hand pump (for use after baby is here) and put it on to test the flange size and noticed that drops were forming after three short pumps, so then I went back to hand expressing. Very small amounts to begin with, but keep going and you’ll get there :) Have a hot shower first, then massage your entire boob. It really helps to get it flowing!
Just keep massaging and expressing everyday same time.
Don’t worry, sometimes Colostrum is showing up later on (39/40 weeks) or sometimes just after giving a birth. My sister didn’t pump any before, and after giving birth she had plenty almost straight away. First of all don’t stress :) and try warm compress and to massage them before you try, apparently it helps. I want to give it a go in a week or two time when I’m 38/39 weeks. Good luck and relax 🙂👌🏼