Coconut oil worked for my little girl (8 months old)
Breast milk or coconut oil. Also the Frida baby cradle cap thing.
Olive oil worked for me. Oiled up his hair nicely left it in for 10 mins and gave him a bath
Second coconut oil and the frida brush and comb set x
Olive oil, massaged in with baby brush x
Rub some oil (we use coconut) in for a few mins, then use a soft silicone brush (or even a toothbrush) in circles over the flakes. It can take a week or so of this every day to get rid of a bad case of CC. Make sure you always wash the oil off after as it can feed the yeast that causes it you don’t. I’ve also heard diluted vinegar can help lower the ph of the scalp, get rid of the yeast and soothe itchiness, but haven’t tried it myself
Oil and a comb. After shower it's out.
Baby oil 😊 massage it on for a bit and then use a brush. Works so well for us xx