Children who cry with others
I have a two year old and a 5 month old and both cry with other people that are new or they haven’t seen for a little while, even family and friends.
My two year old has just started preschool and is still really crying at every drop off. She can cry when I invite play dates around the house.
My five month old cries if other people try to hold her, or if they come too close. Even her grandparents today.
I’m starting to feel like I am such a rubbish mum, that I have done something wrong to make them anxious.
Myself and my partner are both shy people, so I’m hoping it’s just genetic!
Other people can be quite judgemental though, especially now both my girls are like it. They say they are not socialised enough or that I have somehow created the issue etc. but we do go out every day and I try to model relaxed behaviour.
Anyone else been through this?
Thanks x
First off, I just want to say you are not a rubbish mum! This is totally normal behaviour for both children. The 5 month old doesn't know that you and her are separate people and around 5 to 7 months they have separation anxiety. My 2 year old took at least 3 weeks to settle into nursery and is okay now but in new situations she cries if I am not close and is very shy even of people she knows sometimes. It's totally normal behaviour and people should not be making comments to you.