I feel so stuck and idk how to get out

I’m 21 , single mum , 2 kids , about 20k in dept with different things ( some baylifs ). I have no GCSEs I didn’t even go to collage as I had my first child. I’m on benefits and is a stay at home Mum to my 6 month old ans two year old. I can’t get a good paying job unless I have colllage education of some sort and I can’t afford to pay for it. I’ve exhausted all recourses , I can get help to pay for some GCSEs but that’s it. Any A levels ext ( that I need for uni courses) I have to pay. I have NO spare money at all I’m - every month.
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Focus on one thing at a time, do not worry about the whole big picture as it will only feel impossible to manage🥺 Split it in to sections, and prioritise, then focus on what you need to do first, which is probably to get your GCSE’s. When you manage this it’ll be something to tick off and will feel like an accomplishment rather than oh but I have so much else to do. I’m guessing you are on UC as you said you are on benefits? Have they not be able to find/recommend some jobs for you? That is what they are there for! and also they can put you through, or atleast help you get in to some courses as long as it is aiding you in finding work so maybe that’s something to look in to too? ❤️

First thing you should do is get on a debt management plan. Companies will contact your creditors and reduce your monthly payments and may be able to write some off. That should give you some spare money because you won’t be able to pay off this debt. Secondly I would recommend finding a PT job to increase your income even if it’s potwash, local cafe etc. See if jobseekers will assist you in getting a college course for at least your maths and English GCSE’s and then save up what you can for any additional GCSE’s you need for A Levels. Some companies can assist you with degrees and degree apprenticeships ie NHS

What country do you live in?

If you are in the UK being under 25 there are so many options for you, what are your career goals? What do you want to do? Tlevels, apprenticeship, princes trust Access course at uni??? In terms of your debt gathering all the info relating to the companies and debt owing and contact step change and they will contact them all with a proposed repayment you can afford. They take 1 payment a month and then pay all your debtors. Slide into my DMs if you do need support!

@Ellie-May so my job coach actually recommended me waiting the full 5 years I get to not to have to look shirt work after having a child to get some qualifications- obviously the only Problem with that is my dept and money issues She never mentioned being able to help with GCSEs and courses though I was recommended to the adult leading center for my area ( that costs ) but I will call and enquire about that as that would be a big help.

@Anita hi thank you - I would like to be a nurse / midwife/ mental heath nurse, something of the sorts. Therefore I need to get 5 GCSEs , 3 A levels to be able to do the uni course ( I only have the option of one university that is within reasonable distance to travel to unfortunately) I’m currently in the process of getting a DRO but I’m worried about the impact this will have on my next 6 years & I’m Not sure I fully understand what happens after , although I do think it’s my only choice at this point as I’m left in minus each month after paying bills , not including any payments towards debt hence the bulid up.

@Ella the uk

@Charlie I’m having to go the debt relief order route as I have more outgoing than incomings so can’t actually make any payments without ending up in debt elsewhere ( it’s an endless bloody cycle ) I wasn’t awear some companies can help if it is with the NHS , I would be looking at nursing

There have been many in your position that have turned it around and the fact you’re accurately looking to do this is great! Get on top of your debts first, it depends how good your benefits are but I don’t see why you can’t study and have a little part time job. If you are prepared to study when the little ones are asleep you can definitely make it work! Do you have a village that can support with childcare while you do this stuff for yourself? Reading books is really good for supporting you with spelling and grammar which will help with both jobs and your education courses too! Plus there’s free apps that can start you off! I’m a secondary school teacher and English is my second subject I teach so let me know if I can help in any way!

6 years will fly by and a debt relief order gives you a breather after the first 12months, it's no different to defaults registered on your credit file! I done an access to nursing course in my mid 20s so I done a literacy and numeracy test at university. Is this an option for you? There's loads of resources online l(BBC bitesize) apps or library books to help you brush up on your numeracy and literacy.

Yeah do the DRO. It's never too late to get your qualifications, but sometimes you have to accept it's best to be home with your little ones. Once they're old enough to be in school, you'll have so many more options

The debt relief company will sort your out and it’s a free service. A friend of mine started as a health care assistant and then joined the nursing programme with NHS. May be worth applying for positions and then in the future speak to your line manager about nursing degrees/ apprenticeship degrees

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