Postpartum Anger

I don’t know if anyone else feels this but I realized that I have become more angry and irritable since having my baby. I’m sure it has something to do with post partum and the hormones but im having a hard time navigating it since I have always been a very calm and peaceful person , nothing ever made me anger now sometimes I gets to the point I just want to scream. Anyone else went through this and if so, any recommendations on how to overcome it?
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Girl I’m feeling the same way I really believe is something with postpartum

That was when my husband was like “you gotta go talk to your doctor. This isn’t you”. I was diagnosed with ppa/ppd and put on medicine which has drastically helped.

Same hun. Also my body confidence is at its all time low x

I hear it's an actual thing called post partum rage. And yes, I'm a lot more short fused and irritated now at 2 months pp but I've felt this the whole time since having my baby. Definitely hormones 🙃

I was there ! It was either anger or sadness, nothing in between. I started taking postnatals from Anya and it helped so much. I can definitely tell a difference if I don't take them

@Kimberley thisssss. My husband’s love language is definitely touch and I HATE being touched now. Has nothing to do with him. It’s like even when I get in the mood, I get into my head and psych myself out midway 😭

I wouldn’t just call it to being postpartum I’m dealing with it pregnant; I’m a peaceful person don’t typically yell but I’ve been irritable and more angry and can get tempered quicker but it’s a lot going on in the body so I try to take a breath and whenever I get annoyed I either walk away for a sec to gather myself or let out a held in scream 😂😭 screaming into a pillow is great too 🥹🥲 I’m trying overcome it I got the rest of the pregnancy to go and postpartum so we shall see

Wow guys so glad to feel like I’m not the only one- body image is def a big thing right now too 😭

It can be a symptoms of ppd/ppa! I found reading other people's stories and breathing techniques really helped me. You will get through this! Sleep helps significantly also, which i know is hard to get!

I had this too and tbh I am much better now!! It took me around 6 1/2/ 7 months for me to feel less angry it went away on its own x

I started taking magnesium supplements and it really helped

Anger is a natural emotion, have a read x

I definitely went thru this and I already have a short temper now with pp rage I felt so drained being so angry, I literally had to stop and breathe and communicate to those close to be that rn I’m struggling with my anger please don’t provoke me and pelase be patient with me , i finally feel like I’m less of a hot head rn at 6 months pp

@Kelli it totally is normal to feel angry but sometimes it’s more than just typical anger. I’m not one to snap over little things and here I was snapping because my dog was licking her paws too loudly. That’s when we realized it was bigger than just being angry occasionally.

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Postpartum depression and rage is a very real thing. Talk to your doctor. Managing with or without medication assistance is possible, but it’s so important to work with your care team. You know what is ‘normal’ for you and if you’re feeling off at all it can make all the difference talking to your doc and exploring options!

@Samantha I think this might be something I'm also experiencing, I've noticed this recently. My partner laughs suddenly, erks me, hearing my daughter chopping her cucumber on the chopping board makes me grind my teeth! Inside, I feel like tazznania devil. I'm not sure if you live in the wandsworth borough, but at the yvonne Centre, they do "breathing melodies for moms." parents have expressed its help them in moments they felt, overwhelmed, anxious or angry. Seek professional advice, of course, if you worries, of course x

Definitely go through this, it started around the 4 month mark and was really bad for about 6 months and it’s been getting better to manage but it takes a lot of work

Yes 😫 Something I do sometimes is count out loud really fast lol. It gives me something to focus on. It probably looks weird on the outside but it keeps me grounded. The more I feel like I'm about to scream, the faster and louder I count lol.

Thanks for sharing, reading the comments it seems it’s common. Again, somthing not always spoken about. I had rage in my early pregnancy I was horrible to be around. I didn’t even know I was pregnant and my colleague said to a test I bet you’re pregnant, and I was. The rage settled as pregnancy went along, but since the birth I’m horrible again I literally flip out and scream and shout when frustrated - mostly with getting pram in and out of car! Or the slightest thing can set me off - hopefully I manage my emotions better soon x

Yea but for me it was more sensory overwhelm, an autistic trait sort of

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