My son doesn’t have any words yet, but health visitors aren’t concerned now he’s babbling more and more and really experimenting with his voice more (this has only come on in the last month). He’s also quite full on physically, climbs everything, on the go constantly and has absolutely no fear. In all honesty I just think he’s being a toddler, just a slightly more hyperactive one! I have no concerns at the moment
I think we all get told different things tbh so it's not always clear. 10-15 is plenty. For my son it's different to above. My son had his physio session only the other day and they (as well as my son's 2 paediatricians and others) have flagged up concerns that my son only knows of 3 words in total but literally only says 1 per time for weeks then forgets and goes on to another word he knows. He is unable to walk either and has special aids to help him. He's also being referred for an autism assessment as it's been a concern since a couple weeks after he turned 1. But I've considered it's possible he could be autistic which there's nothing wrong with. Only you know your child well enough really to consider what others are saying about them
He can say 10-15 words? That's loads! I think the average is 5 words at this age and anyway, every child is different some don't say anything until between 2-3 years and that is fine
My son is only saying dada and occasionally mama. 10-15 is loads! He also thinks everything is a climbing frame and is a ‘typical boy’ rough housing and running into things. I think that’s just toddlers tbh!
My son has like 5 words and that’s it. It’s ok xxx
My little one babbles constantly but can only say maybe 3 words. I’m not concerned and neither are any of the professionals involved with him, he pretty much just screams at people all the times. Kids come on at differeant ages, please don’t allowed people to judge you or your kid on their expectations
My son says nothing, only babbles. Your family is nuts, sorry for saying that
10-15 is high for this age. They say 2-5 is average. 0 and 10 are also normal, just less common.
I mean your LO can talk more than mine 😂 my LO also loves climbing over me and everything 😂 I have no worries of autism or delay :) my daughter is almost 3 and Im certain she has autism but at no point does it cross my mind with my son :)