Yep, your baby is Cluster feeding. Both mine went through this too. My first cluster fed a lot longer than my second (about a week give or take). Your baby is just getting your milk supply up. It’s pretty exhausting but it’ll calm down soon enough. Just make sure you’re drinking and eating plenty and make everyone run around after you! You’re doing an amazing job 🥰
As the ladies above have said, it’s cluster feeding and completely normal. Just go with it and keep feeding whenever baby wants it. Get yourself set up with lots of snacks and drinks and find a good series to get into. Housework can wait. Just enjoy these precious moments as they grow up so fast
This happened to me but I was in the hospital, a nurse told me that my babies hungry and half-forced to give her formula bc she thought my milk hasn’t come through yet (I had a c-section and it can happen). But I’d still try to BF before giving her bottle and now I’m EBF!! You know you’re going your best when your baby’s happy and fed ❤️
This is called cluster feeding and is helping tell your body how much milk to make. Totally normal. It usually lasts up to a week (in my experience), and will happen during growth spurts along your breastfeeding journey, too.