My daughter is 10 weeks and can only manage about hour wake window - max an hour and half before she gets upset. She sleeps more than the average I would say. She’s sleeping about 11 hours at night too (not in one stint but in two) babies have different needs. My son is higher sleep needs.
I think there’s been a mix up and you’ve taken some sleep away from my baby 😅 I have the complete opposite and this girl only ever wants to be awake! All babies are different just like us adults, I guess
My daughter is 7 weeks and sleeps so much! Nighttime sleep is from around 8pm to 8:30am (does wake for feeds every 3 hours or so) and then during the day she has two stints of decent awake time of around an hour-hour and half. Otherwise she wakes, feeds and then wants to sleep again. 10 hours awake seems crazy, I don’t think she’s near that at all
My little one is 7.5 weeks and also only is awake for a feed/to be changed then takes a bit of time to fall back asleep. She’s awake a maximum of 45 minutes before getting upset and tired
My 10 week old is definitely not awake 10 hoursna day.
What does this mean for us then? Why are our babies sleeping a lot? They say you should get your baby checked by a paediatrician but not sure , my 5 week old is the same!! Also anyone know when the newborn stage gets easier and we can have a full nights sleep?
Same for me, we are 8 weeks Monday and we have noticed a few more wake windows but nowhere near as many as some people on here. Would love to hear other peoples thoughts on this