
I have a son who is 3 with autism he is says a few worlds but not any sentences. I was wondering how to get him to stop being aggressive. He head butts, hits ,kicks, bites,punches and throws thing at me. He also smashes his head off of the wall and ground and anything in sight when upset. He smacks himself and will bite himself or scratch if he doesn’t hurt me. Sometimes he will hurt or bite other people in the family. He will throw himself on the ground when we are going places or picking him up from school. He doesn’t do these at school but does everywhere else. I have a behavioral specialist who sees him weekly who’s seen all of this but nothing is helping. We are getting a helmet from a doctor this week. I tried a calming section, redirecting, music, nice hands,and a bunch of other stuff and I’m so lost on what to do and anything will be helpful thank you.
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I'd say he needs intervention for speech? Are you taking him to a speech pathologist? If you are then I'm not sure it's hard. But maybe a device that he can use to communicate might help him not get as worked up sometimes. At least until his speech develops more. I have a non verbal 2 year old and it's been suggested that intervention is better sooner rather than later so he doesn't get frustrated. Regardless, sending love. I have a 4 year old who talks a lot but is going through a hitting phase I'm hoping it doesn't last forever. Mostly when hes playing with other kids but sometimes with me. Some of it tho I think is because he can talk but struggles to understand social stuff around playing with other kids. So he'll hit them to try and get their attention and invite kids to play. It's so hard sometimes with our little ones who are trying to navigate the world with different brains and we aren't given any handbook as to how to help them.

He has speech, ot,pt at school and his autism specialist wants him to have an aac device but his speech and school denied him

Oh that's so wrong. I'd say he needs that device. Could you get a tablet or ipad? It's worth investigating. I just did a quick app search on my Android and found an aac app. I'm not sure how good it is. But it might be worth looking into. Even just to start with for home. Maybe it would help you to argue the point if he's using something at home already and it's helping? I hear that when kids start school it can get worse too. All that masking at school and then they meltdown at home. Any way his communication needs can be met tho that might help him get his needs met more and that might help?

@RitaJane the AAC device would help him communicate as it can be frustrating to not be understood especially for a little human

Behavorial Therapy

With all that and in those time you have to be extra kind and caring and let them know that it's okay and everything will be okay and just come to momma if he's worried or stressed because that's all it is for a second when you first try to embrace him he might fight but then he'll melt I have to do it with my daughter she would hit her self and bang her head but she has gotten a lot better with not doing it so often or even at all

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