
Does anyone else's nearly 3 year old not interested in playing with other children and also has a communication delay. Could this be austism?
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My little boy goes to a private nursery 3 days per week, he has global developmental delay which for him has affected his speech and mobility. He had a speech and language assessment a few months ago and the therapist said at this age children often play along side each other but not with each other if that makes sense? I also think my boy has traits for autism however a genetic doctor, his paediatrician, the speech and language therapist and the staff at nursery all say they don’t see signs of autism. I guess what I’m trying to say is it doesn’t necessarily mean for your little one they are autistic x

It could be but there would have to be many other traits you see? my sons the same age he was diagnosed with autism in September and he doesn’t play with other children it’s like they aren’t even there

@Sam what did they look for when you got him assessed? Xx

@Nikki im waiting for my daughters speech and language therapy to start as she’s behind in it I think she may have global development delay although autism has been mentioned , how is your little boys speech and mobility affected ? just want to see if it’s similar x

@Katie why was austism mentioned xx

It was her nursery who mentioned it to the speech therapist when she contacted them but the things they said i don’t necessary agree with like she gets upset when her hands are messy that’s because i always clean them straight away after she’s eats so its something she’s used to being done straight away and apparently some issues with eating but she is a excellent eater and always has been she is very greedy so it was prob just a case of her not liking what they had that day obviously I know everything she’s likes so there is never a problem .

@Katie so they mentioned it to speech therapist but not you? Sometimes I get really annoyed with nursery as they always wanna label kids. That sounds all normal to me they are toddlers

Yeah never once said to me they had concerns so I was quite surprised when the speech therapist relayed it back to me and the reasons as to why they think it , the referral for the autism has actually just been declined as they want to start the speech therapy first apparently and review once she’s started that .

@Katie hi, so sorry for not replying sooner, my little boy didn’t roll until 15 months, bum shuffled for about a year and walked at 29 months. Hes amazing on his feet now and he’s 3 next week. His speech is still behind, he’s about a year behind however we understand his needs and his comprehension is fabulous it’s almost as if he’s too excited to get his words out that he gets all jumbled up. He had weekly physio sessions for around 3 months then changed to every 6 weeks x

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