The Gwent (scans) / Grange (birth)

Hey so I’ve got my 20 week scan soon at The Gwent (giving birth in The Grange) and I just wondered if they tell you the gender?? I’ve seen posts saying it depends on the hospital policy so I wondered whether anyone knew about The Gwent please?? Thanks in advance ❣️❣️
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Hi, I had my scans at Ystrad and the Gwent hospitals, and gave birth at The Grange. They do let you know what gender your baby is. Otherwise just ask. But they asked me if I wanted to know? So, sure they will. x

Yes I had the same as you re birth at the grange and scans in Newport. They give you the option to find out as long as baby is playing ball! Sometimes baby isn’t in the right position for them to see accurately but if they are then they ask if you want to know.

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