Hi all, hope everyone is doing well💕💕 Following a miscarriage about a year ago, we finally got our first positive pregnancy test 🙏🏼. I follow Flo but have irregular cycles - looking at Flo’s data my cycles vary from 35-50 days. The past two have been 45 days. I had my first positive test on Wednesday 22nd, and redone a pregnancy test on Friday 24th - this time around I done a clear blue digital which said pregnant 1-2 weeks. I appreciate it is quite early on, but due to history I wanted to be reassured so booked a private early scan today. To my surprise… the sonographer didn’t find any signs of either intrauterine or ectopic pregnancy - they have now referred me for blood tests, but I won’t get these til Monday or Tuesday and the anxiety is building up like CRAZYYYYY. I burst into tears immediately as that isn’t what I was expecting but after doing some research, I see sometimes it can be due to miscalculating how many weeks I might be (which with irregular periods can be tricky). Has this happened to anyone and was it successful? Thanks in advance, my dear mamas 💕
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I wouldn’t go for a scan before 8 weeks personally I’m very surprised they agreed to scan you that early. At 3-4 weeks pregnant (going by the clear blue) there’s very little to see on a scan. If you have irregular periods there’s also a good chance you’re not as far along as you think x

@Yasmin I didn’t know I was this early 😩 last pregnancy clear blue said 1-2 weeks and when I went to the scan I was almost 7 weeks 😩 you think it’s normal Not to see anything?

@Yasmin I’m panicking so much 😩😩😩

It’s absolutely normal not to see anything before 6-8 weeks. Don’t panic. You need bloods 48 hours apart and as long as they are doubling in HCG it’s a great sign. I had an ectopic in 2013, then two successful pregnancies in 2019 and 2021. I know it feels like forever waiting for those bloods to come back and to be far enough along to get a scan but just keep thinking positive thoughts and know that it is absolutely normal for them not to see anything at this week of pregnancy.

Very normal not to see anything that early I wouldn’t be worried at the minute x

If you tested positive only a few days ago you are probably not even 4 weeks pregnant?? Unless you are talking about 22nd of December?

All of you, thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I’m trying my best to remain calm and positive 😭💕💕💕💕 love to you all cxx

@Lucy no no it was only a couple of days ago, but because of what’s happened before I got too anxious, which was a big mistake obviously as I’m now even more anxious 😩😩😩😩

Ah I see, I tested positive on 23rd and I am not planning to book any scans until at least 7 weeks because before that there is always a risk of not seeing anything specially if it's under 5 weeks

@Lucy i have no idea of how many weeks I am though cauee of irregular periods. Do you know how many weeks you are? X

Try not to worry ( A lot easier said than done, I know!) We struggled with fertility issues and I hadn’t had a period for a few months, I took a test and to my surprise it said 1-2 weeks! Going off my flo, my last ovulation was 9 weeks prior. I booked an early reassurance scan shortly after and when I went I had a internal/vaginal ultrasound and they couldn’t see anything, her words were actually “there is no sign of pregnancy but come back in a few weeks”, I cried the whole way home as the clear blue tests were still saying pregnant! Anyway, we returned 2 weeks after and we seen a little heart beat! She was 6 weeks! She was then a size of a grain of rice so obviously was way to small two weeks prior to see her. Fast forward I’m now 30 weeks pregnant! The worry I had from that first scan was another level! So try not to over think. Wishing you all the best! 💜

@Sophia awww thank you so much!!! That’s so reassuring!!

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