My son is 15 months and he is still not walking! We went to a party yesterday and he was the only one crawling around. I was a little upset but I guess he will walk in his own time He started childminders recently and all the children there are walking. I have noticed he is becoming more confident and he will come to me for me to hold his hands and walk around. He is also now standing by himself for a few seconds as well x
My little ones walking really came on when he started nursery! They only take children over 1 and he was the only one still crawling, so he's definitely copying the older ones. You're little one will get there! ❤️
My LO didn't crawl till 12 n half months n month afterwards started pulling up to stand n soon after started walking.. Hes almost 16 months n walk much better but still not 100...he can fall here n there
My LG walk started walking three weeks ago And what helped it’s encouraging her in walking So a lot of hand holding and walking Putting toys in way that she needs to do few steps to get them .. I know they say they will walk when they are ready but I had to push a little bit for her to walk
My little one started nursery 3 weeks ago and it makes such a huge difference in everything! He’s becoming so much more confident now. He just started letting go of his walker to clap for example (few seconds only) but wasn’t doing it at all until like 2 days ago. He was ‘late’ with everything, didn’t army crawl till 10 months and all 4 crawl till 12 months. They’re all different, babies who learn it later, master it quicker 😊