Definitely don’t let it become a habit, me and my brother both got so addicted to rocking and didn’t stop untill age 16!!! And sometimes we still rock to this day
My little girl who is just about to turn 14 months does this too x she stands against the stairgate from our lounge to kitchen and bangs her head back on the door x it's not hard but I do wonder what's going on x
My daughter does this too 🙄 but she likes to try and bang her head on the wall so I'm constantly having to grab her lol. Glad to know it's not just my child though 😭
My daughter does this every night before bed but much harder 😅
My son started doing this right before his first birthday. For him it was frustration and stimulation occasionally. He'd typically do it when he wanted something (toy, water, etc) and he didn't know how to point so he'd get frustrated until I got to what he wanted, but now that he does point to what he wants he doesn't do it quite as much. More for stimulation now
My 16 month old does and has for a while but he also likes to go upto walls and the baby gate to head bang so he's being measured for a special helmet for this x
Yep. Mine does it on the wall🙃 I just leave him to it. He soon stops although it sounds very hard😂
@Nicole then he is officially addicted to it , it’s called rocking it’s a real thing, me and my brother started doing it at 2 years old, and didn’t stop until we were 16! It’s very addictive it’s just give you a sense of peace in a way! We went from rocking our cribs sideways to rocking on the walls in the car anywhere and everywhere lol! Once they start it’s very hard to stop lol my brother even did it in his sleep for the longest
@Rayne not disagreeing (and no hate or judgement) but I feel like addiction is the wrong word. It’s a coping mechanism. A self-regulation technique. And it’s actually very normal & common in typical children, as well as people with ASD/ADHD. It sounds like you guys didn’t have an addiction, you found a way to self regulate and ran with it. That’s an entirely normal process for a child, it just depends if they’re then taught other methods of self regulation as they get older (& obvs if anything underlying developmentally) as to whether or not it continues as they grow xx
@Rayne I was rocking reading this comment 🤣. I don’t see the problem with it though.
My little one does this when there is a soft surface behind her. I think it stems from being rocked as a child so it’s a soothing mechanism.
My lo 9 months does this , its very annoying when I'm holding him
He’ll grow out if it, all mine did.
It’s very normal for children to rock there body which can include banging there head.they are learning and realising there movements make it happen , with Asd it’s more about the frequency , I wouldn’t worry x.
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Mine did, we tried to intervene and put soft things behind her head, she doesn't do it anymore... currently almost 3
My two yr old still does it drives us crazyyy
@Amanda some don’t, me or my brother didn’t till we were 16. So I would just watch out for that is all I have been saying
My son is 5 and still does this.
My 19 month old does this a lot and started around the same time🙈 It can be a normal regulatory response as he’s stimulating and engaging his body with the environment in response to a stimuli, whatever it is ☺️ My HV wasn’t concerned until he started headbutting walls and windows and other very hard objects out of frustration and during meltdowns. If his development is otherwise ok and he is hitting milestones etc, then don’t panic. Kids are very quirky 💛