My son is 16months and still babbles 🩵 he just says, "go", "oh dor" (oh no) "ma" (milk)
I don’t know if this is any reassurance but my LB is the same. He completely understands basic tasks and instructions, understands what’s being said or if he’s doing something he shouldn’t be etc. He babbles says a lot of B, G, P sounds and does say mama, dada but again not all the time but knows who we are if we say point to. I would say he progressed very quickly in motor skills and is quite confident physically but like you say gets away with grunting and pointing to a lot of things and us understanding what he wants. We’ve started trying to challenge and see if he will say something along the lines of. I’m not concerned just yet and I’ve heard of people saying the same that we just learn to know what they want. hes also not around other kids very often as family do the childcare so even though he’s spoken and sung to by adults I don’t know if that makes a difference with him not copying other kids. I think it’s closer to 2 that you should seek advice.
Yeah she’s really good with her motor skills was walking before 1 etc. she’s been back to back teething since 5 months so she’s not caught a break only back molars to come in now then I think she’s done for a while. She makes a lot of b, ma, sounds. Same I think I just get it her because I know what she wants so maybe I should start to push her and see if she’ll say it x
I wouldn't say that's autism alone tbh, if there many other signs then that's different. But not just for not saying many words at this age x
Everyone develops at different stages! My little one was quite an early talker but was a little bit later walking than some I know. Every bubba is different, keep an eye and if you’re concerned talk to the health visitor but at 16 months I wouldn’t worry too much xx
Think it might be a phase, my son knows a lot of words but around 14/15 months he just started grunting, pointing and pushing me to things and if I reminded him of the word he'd ignore me, he's now 17 months and his language is so much better. He wakes up and tells me he wants his nappy change or he wants a book.
My son also doesn't talk but walks, runs, climbs, started jumping while holding onto furniture etc. I heard the important thing is to see they understand the basic things you tell them. I hope at least that this is a positive sign. I don't think that not talking alone is enough as a red flag for autism at this age, or even older.
Speech therapists look for wether they can understand you, wether they make eye contact and engage with you around this age, not the amount of words!
absolutely not. i have a boy, 16 months, who's still babbling.