
Sorry if this is a long post. I’m just at my wits end. My little boy is 14 months old, & I don’t know if this is a stage or if it’s normal or not or if I’m just doing it all wrong. To start, he is such a happy boy usually, will independent play, liked to cuddle etc but lately he is constantly wanting to be picked up or have me playing with him. I can’t sit down without him coming over and just making this long grunting noise to basically get up. He does it a lot and I’m assuming it’s because he can’t speak or wants attention but it is constant. I can’t do anything without him kicking off or crying or having a tantrum. He doesn’t listen to me, I say no he laughs and does to and if I move him away or try distract him he goes crazy. He used to be a good eater but isn’t eating his meals anymore. He’s waking every couple of hours in the night and is taking ages to re settle. This is probably just having a one year old but I’m a FTM and I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong, if saying no even matters or if he shoild be picking it up now. Any advice; I can’t cook anymore without him screaming to be held. I’m just at my witts end and the days are hard. Will it get better
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I think you’re right that this is just normal for a one year old, that certainly doesnt make it easy! We have weeks like this too where she barely eats, slaps away a spoon or water cup, fights bedtime, screams bloody murder at nappy changes or when I take something off her or remove her from doing something dangerous, or she wont get out from under my feet and screams and cries when Im making her food or hanging out the washing. It doesnt cover everything but this post may help a little Hoping this phase passes soon for you ❤️

Im experiencing same but mine still eats She doesn't want me to be close or touched by anyone She's 14montgs too

It’s sooo hard but your doing an amazing job. Just always say to yourself it’s just a phase🤍 My little girl is also 14 months and we have been in the same boat. She’s normally super happy, loves playing independently etc, amazing sleeper and good at eating. The last 1-2 months she’s been fussiest eater, we’ve had really distrusted sleep - some nights are ok then it goes back to waking 3-4 times in the night with occasionally taking 2 hrs to settle. She also screams when I leave the room, constant tantrums. She has been cutting 7 teeth and I know it’s also normal around this age with the regression, learning to walk, developmental leaps etc and she is getting better with sleep and settling herself but meal times are still very difficult! They have so many new emotions around this age and it must be so hard for them to express how they are feeling. We are also there safe place and they feel they can let it all out with us. I don’t have much advice but to ride it out! It will get better!

I am in the same boat. My little boy is just 3 days of being 14 months old and everything you said it’s literally what’s happening with us. He won’t eat his meals, he’s fighting bedtime, if I take something out of his hands he cries, if he’s not being picked up he cries, if I put him in his highchair he will have a tantrum or cry a lot. I can’t cook because he won’t stop screaming and crying He’s refusing allowing me brush his teeth 😩 it’s so hard

It’s like you have wrote the post about my little boy.. he is around my legs constantly .., I can’t go to the toilet without him out his arms up and crying it’s hard , my other two weren’t like this xx

My child is also doing everything you’re describing so I feel your pain. Do you have a support network? I’m basically having to get my partner to do everything while I look after my son at the moment. He cooks our dinner and I entertain our boy and then afterwards I shut myself in the kitchen to wash up. I can only do other household tasks when he’s napping. Otherwise I’m just permanently attached to him, it is quite draining. I read at this stage they can become very clingy so I think we just have to ride it out for a while

My little boy is 14 months and is also constantly round my ankles to be picked up. For us it’s like he’s discovered there are things at different heights and he’s using me to see on top of work surfaces, the dining table etc. and when he’s up there he wants to grab everything in sight! I’m thinking about getting one of those toddler towers so he can have a good luck around for himself - although I can’t decide whether I think he might be a bit young for one - we’ll see. Good luck with everything, and as the others have said, it will be a phase x

Separation anxiety is at its peak at that age, many of us are experiencing the same things. Unfortunately, this is something they all go through. I have no advice or miracle solution, but I’m sending lots of love. You’ve got this!

Omg I could have written this post myself, my 14m old is doing the exact same thing, except it’s even more draining as we are on holiday

I feel you too, the tantrums are real! I just remind myself almost every 5mins it’s a phase, she’s struggling, and I’m her safe place! But I cannot wait to get my happy girl back! Why does no one warn you the reality of how hard raising a small person actually is??!! Not that I’d change it for the world, just feel more prepared xxx

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