Struggling to pass gas/ poo

My baby is 15 weeks and since 2 weeks old he suffered with colic/infant dyschezia... He used to scream and cry all day for weeks and weeks! The last 6 weeks he doesn't cry all day but he still spends hours grunting and trying to pass wind! Dr said he will just grow out of it.... When though!! Recently he has been trying so hard to get his wind/poops out that he has made himself projectile vomit everywhere... And I mean EVERYWHERE! it must have been 3 ounces all over me, him, the bed, the carpet etc, it's a nightmare as it just happens with no warning in the mornings now. I feel like I waste my time feeding him! We've been back to Dr and they still don't seem worried 😫...anyone else in the same boat?
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Have they looked into reflux? My son has cmpa, colic, dyschezia and reflux, now he’s on omeprazole he no longer projectile vomits thank god

@Lianne he only projectile vomits when he is squeezing to try and get the wind or poop out, he's done it about 4 or 5 times... he mainly spits up too... But he doesn't do it the rest of the time x

Maybe try some infacol before his feed or colief in his milk to help the wind. Our LG struggles with pooing and we got a prescription for movicol which helps alongside belly massages and bicycle legs. If he's formula fed, you could give a feed or 2 of premade as it will help them poo (recommended by our HV)

@Sophie we've been using infacol, colief, gripe water, none seems to help much really.. sorry forgot to mention that! It's almost impossible to do bicycle legs as he tenses up so much too! He is breastfeeding x

@Sophie was your little girl constipated then? His texture of poop seems ok when he does go he does a huge Poonami most of the time!

More straining to go but when she did go, it was the normal texture with some watery bits. Our LG tenses up so we've found singing to her whilst we do it helps her relax enough to do it.

As you're bf have you noticed a pattern re: following particular things you eat? May be worth keeping a food diary of what you eat, and when he gets like this as it may be something in your diet causing him discomfort.

Cows milk allergy?

All I can do is recommend a nice bath when he is straining to do that poop, it’ll help relax his tummy muscles, do gentle tummy massages in the bath, also you can help move it by squeezing the sides of his stomach, above his hips, really gently, it helps to move any wind or any blockages x

Same here 😢 it’s so annoying seeing them straining all day knowing that you can’t help, we are 16 weeks and still learning to poop. Im usually holding my baby in my lap like in a potty or a frog position and helps him a lot to easily poop, but some days even that doesn’t help. We also had the projectile vomiting from straining but only when we had the jabs 😭 also our doctor advised not to help with any drops or gas passer as they need to learn themselves, otherwise they will never learn 🤷‍♀️ sometimes I can’t even feed him as he’s grunting, and he’s on EBF😞 fingers crossed you will be better soon 🫶

My son is the same, grunts and tries all day, then finally goes and it's leaking out everywhere. Seems like he's constantly trying and uncomfortable, we're getting told the exact same too. It's horrible to watch him like that. Feel so helpless 💔

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