Screeching/ shouting

Is anyone else’s LO just being very loud and vocal? My LO is just shouting and screeching loads (when he’s happy). Is this normal with your LOs ? Hes 14m. Also going through tantrums as well 😭 so hard on holiday 😂😅
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Yeah my boy loves the sound of his own voice ATM. It's always when happy 🤣 his tantrums ain't to bad he kind of just lays on the floor crying or pretending to cry, he recovers quickly TBF as he's so easily distracted by anything else I suggest xxx

@Clarissa normally I can bear the screaming but now it’s driving me a bit insane haha as I’m also sleep deprived

Sleep deprivation is the worst! I'm having a lucky spell atm 😂 it never lasts though! Xx x

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