Same... 😬
Give yourself grace mama ! My son was a late talker and now I can’t get him to stop lolol they are on their own time ! We got him a leap frog write, read and learn and he loves it and it helps so much !
Have him evaluated. Unless your pediatrician is a developmental pediatrician, don’t trust him/her on “baby is ok” I’m not saying he’s not! I am saying trust YOUR gut. My baby girl, same age, she is talking and communicating at a 2.5yo level almost. Now, all kids are different! But if you feel something is missing on his development, you’re the one that spends the most with him, so no matter the medical school degrees, nobody knows your baby like you. My now 6yo was the same, she was diagnosed with autism (high functioning) at age 3. Her doctor kept saying everything was ok, and she was passing her autism screenings. But those questioners are so stupid. Speech and communication were really my one and only concern, I did my research and saw other little things that she’s outgrown. My now 4yo, same. He doesn’t has an official diagnosis, but he struggles with his speech, we know. With my experience, I did have him evaluated at 18mo for early intervention, and he qualified for autism
He now speaks a lot, but pronunciation and communication is still a challenge for him. Sorry for the long message. But in short, trust yourself, have him evaluated for speech, for early intervention. FYI my almost 3yo also qualified for speech and now (since July last year) sometimes we have to ask her to stop talking for a bit 😂. Every kid is different! Part of them growing up! Good luck! ❤️
Is he communicating in other ways. I had the same worry about my son but if he is bringing it to me or taking me to what he wants then they said as long as he is doing that then it is fine.
You can go to your health department to the infant and toddler program. They can do a free eval for speech services since kiddo is still under 3. Then you get referrals list of places and they get you set up with sliding fee scale pricing
My son is the same way! I've been sitting with him and teaching him an hour a day, I just started so I hope it helps