@Claire Personal social emotional Community learning and development Personal development xx
Is he currently at the 6-12 months attainment, as in he's like a 6 month to 1 year old, or do they mean his areas of development are just behind by 6 months? Sorry ours looked different but my son is also currently behind in some of these areas if it helps x
I would just ask to talk to them about it !
@Charlie yeh he’s skills is like a 6-12 month old in certain areas and one of them is 0-6 xx
@Katie okay, so we got my son's health visitor involved, contacted the GP and local council to look into what was going on. My son had a stroke at birth, and this is why he's 8 months delayed, so it may help you to contact these people to get some understanding as to why he may be behind atmo. Hope this helps a bit xx
Yes I'd definitely like to think some kind of conversation with yourselves would come about from this. But if it hasn't, then definitely ask for one. There could be things you could be keeping an eye on or areas to help develop more etc. They definitely need to be talking to you about it, I would contact them x
I find it odd if nothing has been mentioned before hand. Or is this a new nursery he’s still settling in at and it’s the initial assessment? It can take a while to settle in. I would definitely ask to speak to them about it. Are you concerned at all about your child’s development? If so contact your HV. Have you had your 2 year assessment? My child does hardly anything my child minder can tick off on her assessments as he refuses and doesn’t speak there. He is happy there though! Which makes it difficult for her to tick off. At home he does loads more. She finds at the end of the day he becomes vocal when others have left and shows her more of what he knows but not the right stuff to tick off on the list.
@Chloe I think maybe I didn’t explain it better but i definitely knew that he was behind in his development I knew nursery was going to observe him and do this report and everything he’s behind in his speech and communication I wasn’t aware nursery thought he was behind in play skills and independence though. I knew he was behind but I didn’t expect it to be in the age range they put in the boxes so I just didn’t know weather it was anything to worry about or not
@Claire yeh I already knew he was having this assessment and I knew for ages he was behind in his development and I pushed for these assessments and support for him I jus didn’t expect him to be this far behind ? Like 0-6 months in one area? I jus wasn’t sure weather to worry about it because I knew he was delayed in speech and communication already but not play and independence x
Hello. So personally if it was me, i would want to know what they are marking against this. So for example you do the HV milestones and it asked you stuff (now this is for a 2 year old coz my twins recently did the 2 year old milestone thing) it asks stuff like can your child say a few words together to create sentence Can your child say different sentences in a different context etc each time So where mama ? But if they say where this where that you wouldn’t add it coz there the sene kinds context so it’s stuff like can they say Oh all gone more mama Blue cup Where’s ball gone? These are different statements with different meanings not all about the same thing etc Dunno if I explained that very well. Then it asked stuff like Can your child walk down 2-3 steps Can your child kick a ball Can your child jump with both feet leaving the group ( now mine often do this during tantrums lol) It asks can your child if you draw a straight line on paper do they try copy?
Sorry I will continue what I was saying, it will ask more stuff In the 2 year old milestone like can you child follow instruction, if you ask them to go get their book or bear from another room? Will they follow this task, and bring the correct item Can they put lace through some beads to thread this. Can they build a tower with 10 or more blocks Can your child if you ask them on a book to point to the spoon on the page can they do this? Can they do a puzzle shape: etc So my twins are 2years but they were premature by 6 weeks so this comes into account we also did an extra test for cognitive developmental due to this issue they had being born looking to see if there’s any neurological learning issues etc and the test is called the Bailey or bayley test it’s a more in depth testing of their development mentally, physically etc speech she language that you do with a physiotherapist. It’s worth asking your HV to refer you for this, with the paediatrics at your local place.
So I would ask to be referred if they failed the HV test miserably, ask to be refered to local developmental clinic at your hospital. my eldest he’s a cleft lip and palate so we regularly see speech and language etc But I would be concerned about what the nursery have said to you, because it’s a year difference and more Within milestones which to me is alarming. However I would want to know what they are using as a test to get this result, I’d want to know. And once I knew it was like the HV or bayley tests then I’d be super concerned at the marks. However I worked in childcare for years and all children do stuff when they are ready. Unless there is some neurological reason or a physical reason otherwise or emotional issues within their home settings. But if all these areas are of no concerns when I worked with kids then I would be concerned it’s due to something else neurological like a global Development delay, or autism, or learning difficulties due to other reasons.
@Katie in terms of play I would ask them what this means? Do they mean group activities with all the kids and staff or do they mean how he plays by himself is of a baby? And how did they get to these results. What do they keen independence? Do they mean he doesn’t like to play alone and needs a staff member? Do they mean he won’t try put on his shoes or not his shoes but other people’s shoes. What do they mean Once i knew his then id decide if you should be worried or not. It’s very common for boys to be delayed in speech so i wouldnt be massively concerned about speech if the speech is making slow Progress
@Fiona I’ve messaged you
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I had my son’s review yesterday with the health visitor and he marked satisfactory on everything bar his speech. He didn’t really say much when she was around, but enough for her to think he needed a speech referral. Yet she asked what he can say, I said he says mummy daddy Jessie (dog) amongst other things, then he’ll also say come on mama Where’s gaga (Granda) Where’s Jessie, gone? Mama more juice I don’t want it I don’t like it She said his pronunciation of certain things may mean others don’t understand him, yet others who he has never met before at playgroups etc understand him. It just makes you question sometimes what they mark these things against. Plus here in Northern Ireland it’s up to a year wait on a speech and language consultation and by then in her words “oh he might not even need it by then” 🤪🤪🤪🤪
@Katie definitely ask for a meeting to discuss how he can be supported at home and in nursery. What the next steps are and I would ask for a print out of their assessment framework. Then you will see what the next steps are and can help develop those skills at home too. It’s so hard to hear isn’t it, I hear it too. And I’m sending lots of love. But as others have said boys are typically behind development levels than girls, some catch up, some don’t and that’s okay. Boys are stereotypically advanced with gross motor than girls, some aren’t and that’s also okay. My partner didn’t speak until he was 3 then came out with a full sentence and unfortunately hasn’t stopped talking since. He used his older sister to communicate for him. Where as my child minder has said the ones with older siblings are more developed. So you can’t win! I am pushing for an asd assessment for my little boy.
@Chloe yeah i spoke to them and nursery are going to send me his plan home and then tell me when they will re assess him. They said they used the SEND toolkit to assess his development as they believe he might be autistic but they jus won’t asses him yet they wanna wait till there’s an improvement in his development if there is one. I’m pushing for ASD assessments also. The health visitor should be seeing me again soon to try discuss it
What is PSED and CLD? Is PD personal development?