I apparently gave birth to Evil Knievel so I get reports of bumps/falls etc weekly. Fights - never.
I know exactly what you mean! My kiddo has been bitten TWICE and some kid hit him in the head with a block! I’ve had to sign three incident reports within the last month or two all where my kid is the victim. And my son is so sweet he just cries! And it pissed me tf off lol.
I feel like it’s more the norm for crawler age to have higher incidents.. both my boys were biters and occasional hitters.. but by 3 or so I would think most kids are over that and are starting to understand their actions. If it’s one kid for sure, it’s on the center to helicopter that kid to curb it
@Tiffany SAME. I just had to sign a 3rd incident report since the beginning of December and today’s was getting hit in the head with a block 😤😤😤
@Cynthia I think they kind of do but he’s a menace 🤐 I see it all the time in the 2 mins I’m there for pickup. And he does it all with a smile. And sometimes eye contact. And sometimes repeating what I say in a creepy voice. It’s lowkey scary 💀
When he first switched to saddlers last year- we had two bites from another kid (they were all 14-18 months so teething) and then a couple bumps and such because they were all climbing furniture 😂 But this year ( since August) only one where another kid hit him and one where my son threw a toy and it hit someone. They are all 26 months at the moment.
@Mercedes, you can report the child to the service and / or complain about how often your child is getting hurt. Unfortunately, some centres just suck. I know one that 20-something kids in the toddler room, ratio was 1-5, and several of the kids had additional needs, 2 were non-verbal and a bunch were wild and/or clingy to their parents who worked there. It was a lit, and it can be difficult for an educator. I'd definitely let the director know that you are concerned, though, and if you are legit worried about this other child, report them too.
I'm just gonna say my son, who is 18 months old, isn't at daycare (at home full-time with me), and he gets a new bruise or scrape almost DAILY! He runs around and bonks his head, falls over outside, jumps from things... it's just the age of testing out the limits. I'd only worry if they were injuries inflicted by other kids, i.e., Repeated biting, scratching. Or if he is seriously hurting himself from being in dangerous situations like falling off a table, etc. "Risky play" is important for development it helps build confidence, learn new skills, test limits (of course supervised, and nothing too crazy!!)
@Hannah she just transferred rooms 2 months ago not for age but because I was dissatisfied with the teachers there and complaining of the unities that weee basically this same frequency.. Her new teacher is good but there just the one “bad Apple”
@Alex yea 2 weeks ago a kid bit her and today she got smacked the face with a wooden block. Inflicted by other kids
@Mercedes, that sucks. I'd probably start looking for alternative care but definitely speak to the director about your concerns. I'm sorry you are both going through this.
@Hannah thanks. Moving daycares is a big deal so I’ll talk to the teachers again, then she moves to the 3 year olds classroom in a couple months and the scary kid is a few months younger lol
@Mercedes, yeah, I'd definitely start with the teachers and maybe the director and go from there. I she is OK.
@Hannah not “start” because I’ve already talked to them. I talked to the teachers and had a 1 on 1 meeting with the center director. I will “circle back” because it’s still happening. Yea she’s ok, a boo-boo right near her eye yesterday :( I don’t like that it’s close to her eye and her temple..
My son started in September and has had one incident at school. So one in about four months.