I delt with this and the way I was able to break mind is once hubby comes home take some time for yourself OUTSIDE OF THE HOUSE that’s the key because inside the house you still hear the crying you still see the dogs you still see the house chores or whatever it is that tics you off so if you take time for yourself take a walk check your mail listen to music do whatever makes you happy and relaxed I know it’s hard and it’s going to be hard but the more time you are able to take for yourself the better it gets to handle all the little random things that happen through out the day. Also through the day go in the bathroom and just sit there and it may be silly but talk to yourself in the mirror and speak positive things to yourself and say it until you believe it again not easy but it helps and communite with your partner and friends so they are aware of how you feel and what’s going on
Like what Marissa said, the walking helped me incredibly too. My husband would come home from work and I would even just go outside. Or if it got really bad during the day, I would put the baby in the stroller and go on a 10 minute walk. Or if you don’t wanna walk, go drive 10 minutes down the road and sit in the car and scream. And even if you have to do it every day, if it helps do it. Postpartum rage is so on another level and I struggled incredibly with it too. If you need help or anyone to talk to my DM’s are open I’m sure anyone else would be more than happy to talk too ❤️
The biggest helpful suggestion I got for dealing with mine is making sure to eat enough protein. When I started getting 100+grams per day, I felt wayyyyyy better, I was shocked at the difference