Hi! Preface I have not had PPD as I’m first time pregnant still but I have a long history of depression. My biggest piece of advice is do not let your diagnosis consume you. When I was in the trenches it would always be “an excuse,” for me. Such as “yeah no wonder I feel like shit today I’m depressed, no wonder I’m not showering, I’m depressed,” etc. Yes, it is a terrible condition that you don’t have a *lot* of control over, but once you fall into the rut of just *accepting* your symptoms, it’s very difficult to climb out of. Keep fighting. You’ll have really great days sometimes that make it all worth it. You will get through this! You’re loved!
Try getting as much sleep you can, eat healthy and it will help a little bit your brain too. Get out in the fresh air even if you don't want to. Find something that you enjoy doing, maybe something you can do with the kids, I apmeties sit down and colour with them 🥰
Therapy. And sleep. I'd say once my son started sleeping through the night more frequently I found life suddenly just got better
@Samantha thank you for your comment, I am currently seeing a therapist to navigate me through this difficult time! I hope they do soon 💕
@KayLee yes absolutely, trying to not let it define me, thank you for your kind words! 💕
@Santa really am trying on the sleep front and I’m eating the healthiest I’ve eaten in years. Fresh air is something I need more of but I swear this depression is making me lazy! 💕
@Megan luckily our girls mostly sleep through the night, it’s just my sleep that’s the problem 😴
I get that, I'm prescribed 10mg promethazine hydrochloride tablets because of my depression and lack of sleep making it worse but I'm trying to not take them every night anymore and instead having a nice shower and then getting into bed and reading my kindle. Seems to be working so far, I'm usually so awful at scrolling tiktok then wondering why I'm wide awake lol
I saw a psychiatrist and went to an intensive program for PPD. It was hard to do things on my own so I needed a lot of help. Things can get better!